.. _loginintotheapplication: =========================== Log-in into the application =========================== The default URL to access the application is: (You may have changed the port number during the :ref:`installation`\ .) .. caution:: This URL is only accessible for a browser running on the same machine as the application. If you are installing it on an (external) server you might need to create a port forward to your local machine. To log-in at this URL you need a user name and a password. * If you installed via :ref:`package-installation` you had to chose both during the installation. They are stored in ``admin.zcml``. * If you installed via :ref:`source-installation` you find user name and password in ``dev_admin_user.zcml``. Create a new address book using the `add address book` link on the right. How to create new users inside this address book is described in :any:`usermanagement`.