.. _package-installation: =========================== Guided package installation =========================== Follow these steps if you want to install the pre-packaged address book from PyPI. (This is the preferred way of the installation.) .. note:: ``icemac.addressbook`` can't be installed directly using ``easy_install`` or ``pip``, you have to follow these simple steps. Neither you need any root privileges nor it installs anything outside its directory. Installation steps: #. Create a `virtualenv` using:: $ virtualenv-2.7 addressbook #. Change into the directory of the `virtualenv` using:: $ cd addressbook #. Install the installation script using:: $ bin/pip install icemac.install.addressbook #. Start the installation * call:: $ bin/install-addressbook VERSION_NUMBER * ``VERSION_NUMBER`` can be omitted to install the latest version or should be replaced by the desired version. #. Answer the questions about admin user name, password and so on. #. Change into the installation directory using:: $ cd current #. :ref:`runthetests` #. :ref:`runtheapplication` #. :ref:`loginintotheapplication` #. :ref:`operations` .. include:: cronjobs.rst